Firefighter, Soldier, Police Officer…Event Planner?

Forbes recently released its annual summary of the most stressful jobs and coming in at number eight was event coordinator.[Tweet "Most stressful jobs... Number 8: Event Coordinator"] Those of us who have planned events, whether every day or once in a while, know there is a lot of pressure in making sure everything goes just right on event day. While errors are not life threatening as in the other professions listed, the adrenaline rush that comes from knowing you only get one chance to make it right is considerable. Add in the stress leading up to the event - are enough people registered? Why haven't all of the speakers sent in their slides? What if a giant storm hits right before the event? - and the ranking of the profession starts to make sense.

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7 Creative Ideas to Attract New Attendees to Your Event

From time to time GovEvents will come across information we feel our members and audience would benefit from. Here's something we wanted to share:

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Check out these strategies focused on getting first-timers to your trade show or conference.

Smart planners know they can't rely on the same database of attendees year after year to fill their events. But how do you reach new people? Consider using some of these practical strategies from other trade shows and conferences.

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