Quantum Readiness: Effective Strategies to Address Quantum Preparedness Act (H.R. 7535)

Quantum Computers pose an existential threat to data encryption. In addition, adversaries are already capturing sensitive network traffic for Store Now, Decrypt Later (SNDL) attacks. For this reason, the Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act (H.R. 7535) requires federal agencies to prepare now to protect National Security Systems. Specifically, government agencies must maintain an inventory of all information technology in use that is vulnerable to Quantum Computers.

To meet this mandate, federal agencies are faced with gathering data under constrained timelines and within complex environments.

During this webinar, Joe Peruzzi (CTO & Co-Founder, Tychon LLC) and Craig Harris (CEO & Founder, Gravel Road LLC) discussed strategies to quickly gather algorithms, even from deeply embedded cryptographic elements, while simultaneously improving protective capabilities. These strategies include a hybrid solution that combines TYCHON's powerful Quantum Readiness Module for Discovery and Inventory with Gravel Road's lightweight ENCRYPT1 solution to extend the efficacy of current encryption and protect from future quantum attacks.

This session delved into:

  • The threats that quantum computing presents to key decryption and Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act directives (H.R. 7535 & NSM-10).
  • Strategies to accomplish Cryptographic Discovery, Inventory, and Monitoring, consolidating cryptographic data across applications, files, and connections into reports and deliverables.
  • Best practices for upgrading and updating current cryptographic methods implementing the NIST approved algorithms for key exchange, while enhancing the current protective capabilities of AES and the digital signature algorithms.

Speaker and Presenter Information

Joe Peruzzi, CTO & Co-Founder, Tychon LLC


Craig Harris, CEO & Founder, Gravel Road LLC

Relevant Government Agencies

Other Federal Agencies, Federal Government, State & Local Government



Event Type
On-Demand Webcast

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Event Sponsors

Harpoon Security, Tychon

Harpoon Security Government Team at Carahsoft
Tychon Government Team at Carahsoft

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