Best of Breed Conference
The Best of Breed (BoB) Conference meets the evolving needs of the IT channel’s largest, fastest-growing, and most progressive solution provider organizations and the top technology vendors and distributors. An invitation-only event, the BoB Conference brings together 100+ attendees from CRN’s elite solution provider lists ─ Solution Provider 500, Tech Elite 250 and Fast Growth 150 ─ to connect and engage over the cours...
XChange NexGen 2024
NexGen is custom designed for services-led and cloud-focused managed services professionals who want to capitalize on a managed services market that will generate an estimated 329 billion by 2025. High-velocity MSPs attend the event to: explore the future of technology, gain actionable intelligence on market trends, add strategic, long-term partners, connect with trusted peers, and grow recurring revenue streams.
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