29 Jan CTOvision Podcast

Originally posted by Ryan Kamauff on CTOvision

Play CTOvision Podcast featuring Daniel Mintz. Daniel Mintz is the Principal and Founder of ESEM Consulting and former CIO of the Department of Transportation. He is a lifelong technologist and avid Washington Capitals fan.

We discussed the following stories:
DOD, VA improve eBenefits portal
Government Appetite Growing for Twitter User Data
86,800 network printers open to the whole internet
Odierno: budget is greatest threat to national security
Google Announces Pwnium 3, Ups Ante and Offers $3M+ in Rewards
New bug makes moot Java's latest anti-exploit defenses, claims researcher
Pentagon to boost cybersecurity force
Data.gov gets agile with new alpha site
Government IT's Move to Cloud Slowed by Security Concerns, Misconceptions

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