What Every In-House Attorney Needs to Know About Federal Contracting
This event qualifies for 6.5 CLPs
This event qualifies for 6.5 CLEs
Are you an in-house attorney working for a federal government contractor? Or does your business want to enter the federal space? Whatever your business’s stage, your employer is counting on you to understand the issues that come with federal contracting.
Law school only covers the basics of contract law and the basics of business law. When you begin working for a corporation, you have to handle federal contracting issues that will influence the mission and the bottom line. Your employer is counting on you to understand the issues.
The What Every In-House Attorney Needs to Know About Federal Contracting course is a one-day, fast-paced instruction that combines the basics of federal government contracting with the nuts and bolts of compliance issues, subcontractor issues, and hot topics in the industry. Taught for lawyers by lawyers, it gives critical insight to both traditional and contemporary matters.
Classroom discussions cover contracting laws and regulations, illustrated with real-world examples. The information provided will serve as a reference tool for years to come.
You'll Learn About
- Basic Principles in Federal Contracting
- How the Government Buys
- Types of Contracts
- Labor and Employment Law Issues
- Anti-Kick Back and Gifts
- Organizational Conflict of Interest & Personal Conflict of Interest
- Mandatory Disclosure and Ethics Issues
- Changes, Inspection & Acceptance
- Delays & Payment
- Termination of Convenience / Termination of Default
- Claims, Disputes, and Appeals
- Prime/Subcontractor Disputes
- Bid Protests
- Privilege Issues and Attorney Work Product
- Ethic Issues in Internal Investigators and Managing Relator Lawsuits
Speaker and Presenter Information
Barbara Kinosky is the Managing Partner of Centre Law and Consulting and has more than twenty-five years of experience in all aspects of federal government contracting. Barbara is a nationally known expert on GSA and VA Schedules and the Service Contract Act, and she has served as an expert witness for federal government contracting cases. Barbara was named a top attorney for federal contracting by Smart CEO magazine in 2010, 2012, and 2015. Prior to establishing Centre, Barbara was the head of a government contracts practice group at a major law firm. She started Centre in 2002 to provide integrated legal, GSA consulting, and training services.
David Warner is Partner at Centre Law and Consulting with more than twenty years of experience in the resolution and litigation of complex business and employment disputes before state and federal courts and agencies. David regularly counsels government contractors on bid protests, claims, and appeals. He has also dealt extensively with the Department of Justice and offices of inspector general of several agencies, including the General Services Administration, with respect to audits and investigations concerning alleged fraud, False Claims Act, and Trade Agreement Act compliance issues.
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Thu, Jun 8, 2017, 8:30am - 4:30pm
Centre Law and Consulting
8330 Boone Blvd Suite 300
Tysons, VA 22182
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Centre Law and Consulting