Employee Performance Plans

Monday, January 31, 2011

8:30 Continental Breakfast and Registration

9:00 Understand the Employee Performance Management Process
 •Discover why traditional planning processes often fall short of delivering results
 •Identify the characteristics and requirements of a successful employee performance plan
 •Review planning processes and helpful techniques for execution
 •Assess the differences between manager and employee performance plans
Understand how Organization Goals Cascade to Directly Impact Individual Performance Targets
 •Analyze how the business goals of your agency link to individual employee performance
 •Outline how organization’s measure successful results
 •Discover how to dissect and analyze the complexity of an organization’s strategic vision

Workforce Assessments:  Examine Your Current Employee Competencies  
 •Examine your workforce demographics, identify potential retirements and career advancements
 •Compile a skills and competencies inventory from your existing work plans, job descriptions and employee feedback
 •Review your current staff to analyze staffing, skill sets and competencies

Measure and Improve Employee Engagement
 •Calculate the financial impact of employee engagement
 •Crack the talent code to identify the factors that cause a person to engage, perform and want to stay
 •Reduce turnover by identifying the causes of employee dissatisfaction

12:00 Lunch

Define What Constitutes as Critical Elements in a Designated Job
 •Discuss what sources can help you to classify critical element within certain job functions
 •Examine how to analyze your department’s strategic plan to determine long-term and short-term goals

Utilize Performance Indicators to Assess Progress and Goal Accomplishment
 •Outline the quality of work expectation that should be followed by all work units in your division
 •Quantify work loads and ensure that job responsibilities are balanced
 •Address the issue of timeliness and turn around results for each of your work units

Identify Roadblocks and Outline Strategies to Overcome Planning Challenges
 •Sort out the potential issues you may have to overcome to create customized plans for each employee
 •Identify the key resources and tools that may assist you in accomplishing your goals
 •Discover ways to obtain buy-in from senior management

4:00 Day One Adjourns

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

8:30 Continental Breakfast and Registration

9:00 Make the Most of Performance Measurement Methodologies

 •Determine what measures are essential to track your human capital initiatives
 •Quantify your workforce investments to monitor the impact of your HR practices
 •Turn your data into information that promotes action and follow through

Encourage Employee Involvement in the Performance Discussion
•Ask you employees to consider their future goals before they meet to discuss expectations
•Request that your work units examine what skills they may wish to improve
•Encourage communication and collaboration when it comes to innovation and planning

Implement Continual Progress Reviews
 •Create a continual schedule to touch base with your employees
 •Consider what formats may best suit open and reflective dialogue
 •Design action strategies to address any issues of poor performance

12:00 Lunch

Focus on Individual Strengths for Stronger Team Alignment
 •Analyze how much of your employees time is spent on utilizing your key strength areas
 •Compose a vision and strategy that will fully utilize your employee talent
 •Design an accountability system that will keep you focused on and on point

Set Challenging Work Expectations to Increase Engagement Levels
 •Involve employees in the goal-setting process to gain their support for organizational results
 •Outline management expectations clearly and ensure that individual feedback occurs to improve performance
 •Design incentives to promote performance driven changes  

Utilize Personal Plans to Conduct Meaningful Annual Performance Reviews
 •Learn how to get buy-in from your supervisor for new suggestions and projects based on our performance findings
 •Look at how to best communicate your supervisor and team members
 •Create tailored performance data to highlight your individual contributions

Reward and Acknowledge Great Performance
 •Understand what your employees would value in regards to recognition rewards
 •Introduce innovative and low cost opportunities to showcase an employees accomplishments
 •Sustain an environment that motivates all team leaders to embrace a culture of rewarding accomplishment

4:00 Training Adjourns

Mon, Jan 31 - Tue, Feb 1, 2011, 9:00am - 4:00pm

The Performance Institute
1515 North Courthouse Rd., Suite 600
Arlington, VA 22201
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