What Tech Does K-12 Need for Fall 2021?
The fall 2021 return to school will be unlike any other K-12 institutions have experienced. 2020 taught us all that different learning models can work, and in some cases are preferable to traditional on-site instruction. How will the tech stack in schools reflect these learning models?
At the same time, K-12 institutions have new funding streams at their disposal, including the CARES Act and the American Rescue Plan. Schools have avenues to explore technologies that are within reach.
Join the Center for Digital Education on July 21 at 11 a.m. Pacific/2 p.m. Eastern as we discuss the smart and connected technologies K-12 leaders should consider as they look to improve learning, increase both physical and cybersecurity, and revamp their facilities to be safer and more energy efficient.
Register to hear:
- How learning models are driving technology needs
- What technologies can improve the physical and cybersecurity of K-12 campuses
- How technology can be supported by new funding streams
Relevant Government Agencies
Dept of Education, State Government, City Government, State & Local Government
Event Type
This event has no exhibitor/sponsor opportunities
Wed, Jul 21, 2021, 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Complimentary: $ 0.00
Click here to visit event website
Event Sponsors
Government Technology