2nd Annual National Summit on Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles

The ACI Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles Summit in San Diego brings together leaders from the Department of Defense, U.S. Government, industry, academia, and NATO to explore advancements shaping the future of military UAV technology. This focused event delivers critical insights into UAV systems, defense priorities, and collaborative strategies driving innovation and progress in uncrewed aerial capabilities.

Speaker and Presenter Information

Vice Admiral James E. Pitts, USN
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfighting Requirements and Capabilities, N9
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations


John Vona, SES, DAF
Director, Operational Requirements and Capability Development
DCS, Strategy, Integration and Requirements (Air Force Futures)

Cordell DeLaPena
Program Executive Officer
Military Communications, Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Directorate
Space Systems Command, Los Angeles Air Force Base, U.S. Space Force

Captain Dennis Monagle, USN
Program Manager Multi-Mission Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems

Jason Schroeder
Chief Technology Officer, Special Operations Command Central (SOCCENT)
U.S. Special Operations Command

Lt Col Bradford Wade, USAF
Commander, 556 Test and Evaluation Squadron
Creech AFB, NV

Mr. Elias Rigas
Vehicle Applied Research Branch
DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory
Army Research Directorate

LTC Michael Brabner, USA
Robotics Requirements Division
Air Branch Chief
Maneuver Capabilities Development & Integration Directorate
Army Futures Command

Expected Number of Attendees


Relevant Government Agencies

Air Force, Army, Navy & Marine Corps, DOD & Military, Dept of Homeland Security, Dept of Justice, GSA, NASA, City Government, FAA, Federal Government, State & Local Government

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Tue-Wed, Feb 25-26, 2025, 8:00am - 5:00pm


Active U.S. Military/Government:  $695.00
Academia/ Non-Profit/ Foreign Military:  $1545.00
Vendor:  $1845.00

Admiral Baker Clubhouse
2400 Admiral Baker Rd
Bldg 3604
San Diego, CA 92120
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