Bringing 5G to the Battlespace
Fast, reliable, and secure communications is essential to success in the battlespace. The advent of the telegraph was a central part of Civil War strategy and tactics. Introduction of the radio was just as important in World War I, while radar and sonar – other forms of conveying crucial information – played an important role in World War II. Using 5G to facilitate communications in today’s combat settings is just as signific...
November 1, 2024
FedInsider Location:
AFCEA Silicon Valley Cyber & IT Summit
Join us for the inaugural AFCEA Silicon Valley Cyber & IT Summit as we bring together industry leaders, innovators, and experts in the fields of cybersecurity and information technology. Set to take place on Thursday, November 7, 2024, in the heart of Silicon Valley on Moffett Field at the 63rd Readiness Division Building, this summit promises to be a unique opportunity for networking, learning, and collaboration. All those who are interes...
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