Learning Leadership Symposium - Baltimore, MD
The Learning Leadership Symposiums hosted by the Learning Counsel are regional professional learning events designed to promote innovation and help leaders address current issues and opportunities in the field of education. By combining timely research and knowledge of trends and market changes on the horizon, the Learning Counsel facilitates a high-level experience in a single-day workshop format. Organized around guest speakers and collabora...
Digital Transition Discussion - Minneap...
Half a day of intensive professional development and challenging new ideas to bring back to your school or district. Attend to contribute to lively discussion with other educators and hear the once-a-year briefing for your area. National Digital Transition Survey Briefing Find out what administrators said versus what teachers said on our annual national Survey. Distinguish between active and passive screen learning trends. See if you’re...
Digital Transition Discussion - Houston, TX
Half a day of intensive professional development and challenging new ideas to bring back to your school or district. Attend to contribute to lively discussion with other educators and hear the once-a-year briefing for your area. National Digital Transition Survey Briefing Find out what administrators said versus what teachers said on our annual national Survey. Distinguish between active and passive screen learning trends. See if you’re...
Digital Transition Discussion - San Ant...
Half a day of intensive professional development and challenging new ideas to bring back to your school or district. Attend to contribute to lively discussion with other educators and hear the once-a-year briefing for your area. National Digital Transition Survey Briefing Find out what administrators said versus what teachers said on our annual national Survey. Distinguish between active and passive screen learning trends. See if you’re...
Digital Transition Discussion - Meriden, CT
Half a day of intensive professional development and challenging new ideas to bring back to your school or district. Attend to contribute to lively discussion with other educators and hear the once-a-year briefing for your area. National Digital Transition Survey Briefing Find out what administrators said versus what teachers said on our annual national Survey. Distinguish between active and passive screen learning trends. See if you’re...
Digital Transition Discussion - Columbus, OH
Half a day of intensive professional development and challenging new ideas to bring back to your school or district. Attend to contribute to lively discussion with other educators and hear the once-a-year briefing for your area. National Digital Transition Survey Briefing Find out what administrators said versus what teachers said on our annual national Survey. Distinguish between active and passive screen learning trends. See if you’re...
Digital Transition Discussion - Baton R...
Half a day of intensive professional development and challenging new ideas to bring back to your school or district. Attend to contribute to lively discussion with other educators and hear the once-a-year briefing for your area. National Digital Transition Survey Briefing Find out what administrators said versus what teachers said on our annual national Survey. Distinguish between active and passive screen learning trends. See if you’re...
Virtual Digital Transition Discussion -...
Overview What are the new schooling models? 70% of administrators are concerned about the logistics of time and space in hybrid schooling and what that does to teaching. What about hybrid simultaneous, hybrid logistics contemporary? Are there new responsibilities for the whole shift in digital learning? What about better understanding the developing ed-tech software scene? 74% of teachers are feeling overwhelmed or burnt-out. A myriad of thing...
Virtual Digital Transition Discussion -...
Overview What are the new schooling models? 70% of administrators are concerned about the logistics of time and space in hybrid schooling and what that does to teaching. What about hybrid simultaneous, hybrid logistics contemporary? Are there new responsibilities for the whole shift in digital learning? What about better understanding the developing ed-tech software scene? 74% of teachers are feeling overwhelmed or burnt-out. A myriad of thing...
Digital Transition Discussion - Orlando, FL
Overview What are the new schooling models? 70% of administrators are concerned about the logistics of time and space in hybrid schooling and what that does to teaching. What about hybrid simultaneous, hybrid logistics contemporary? Are there new responsibilities for the whole shift in digital learning? What about better understanding the developing ed-tech software scene? 74% of teachers are feeling overwhelmed or burnt-out. A myriad of thing...
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