AFCEA Atlanta Homeland Security Conference
The AFCEA Atlanta Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Conference will take place at the Atlanta Convention Center in Atlanta, Georgia. The event will focus on Homeland Security topics including Cybersecurity, Infrastructure, National Security, Homeland security, and Defense. The subject matter will cover industry partnerships and requirements for government agencies in Georgia and the surrounding region, including: Dept of Comme...
reStartEvents Nationwide All-Clearances...
Looking for your next Cleared career opportunity?Join us at the reStartEvents Nationwide All-Clearances Virtual Career Fair and engage with hiring managers and recruiters from some of the nation's leading defense contractors, all from the safety and comfort of your home or office. Accomplish what it would take weeks to do, ALL in one day at reStart!reStartEvents Nationwide All-Clearances Virtual Career FairThursday, March 13th, 20252pm - 5pm e...
reStartEvents DC metro & Beyond All-Cle...
Looking for your next Cleared Career Opportunity in DC metro or Beyond? Join us for the reStartEvents DC metro & Beyond All-Clearances Virtual Career Fair and explore hundreds of career opportunities available throughout Northern Virginia, DC metro, Maryland and around the country... Chat with hiring managers & recruiters from some of the nations leading defense contractors - all from the comfort and safety of your home or office. reSt...
NLIT Summit 2025
The 2025 NLIT Summit is sponsored by the NLIT Society, a professional society founded to facilitate the exchange of best practices and ideas among IT and Cybersecurity professionals within the DOE complex, strengthen the infrastructure, and identify efficiencies within the DOE laboratory system. The Summit facilitates sharing information regarding all aspects of IT and Cybersecurity operations, technology, policies, and practices in support of...
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