The Fundamentals of Protecting your Paths to Privilege

This event qualifies for 1 CPEs

Despite the long standing principles of Least-Privilege and Privilege Access Management (PAM), 90% of organizations experienced at least one identity-related security incident in the past year. Even with the number of security tools in place, attackers are outflanking them through unidentified attack paths.  And AI is accelerating and uncovering paths to privilege faster than we’ve ever seen. In this webinar, our panelists will discuss how many organizations still maintain legacy identity platforms and applications, the types of privilege abuse that can (and does) occur and finally the fundamentals for protecting your paths to privilege and why it requires an identity-centric approach.

Speaker and Presenter Information

John Pretz
IT Project Manager, Internal Revenue Service


Craig Hayn
Chief Information Security Officer, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health


Amer Helmy
Federal ICAM Program Manager, Office of the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Department of Labor (Pending Agency Approval)


Christopher Hills
Chief Security Strategist, BeyondTrust


Moderator: Kiersten Patton
ATARC Consultant

Relevant Government Agencies

Air Force, Army, Navy & Marine Corps, Intelligence Agencies, DOD & Military, Office of the President (includes OMB), Dept of Agriculture, Dept of Commerce, Dept of Education, Dept of Energy, Dept of Health & Human Services, Dept of Homeland Security, Dept of Housing & Urban Development, Dept of the Interior, Dept of Justice, Dept of Labor, Dept of State, Dept of Transportation, Dept of Treasury, Dept of Veterans Affairs, EPA, GSA, USPS, SSA, NASA, Other Federal Agencies, Legislative Agencies (GAO, GPO, LOC, etc.), Judicial Branch Agencies, State Government, County Government, City Government, Municipal Government, CIA, FEMA, Office of Personnel Management, Coast Guard, National Institutes of Health, FAA, Census Bureau, USAID, National Guard Association, EEOC, Federal Government, State & Local Government, FDA, Foreign Governments/Agencies, NSA, FCC

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Thu, Oct 24, 2024, 1:30pm - 2:30pm ET

Complimentary:    $ 0.00

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