EW 104: Critical Thinking & Problem Solving for Electronic Warfare

EW 104: Critical Thinking & Problem Solving for Electronic Warfare
Tuesday April 14 - Friday April 17, 2014   |  8:30am - 4:30pm Daily  
Location: Linthicum, MD | Classification: US SECRET


Course Description:

Although EW related buzzwords and acronyms may come and go, at the heart of successful EW remains the ability to interpret the target set, pick critical nodes to counter, apply the right EW tools for the job, and properly assess the outcome of actions taken. This four-day course provides such a foundation, through a concise overview of modern technologies, an understanding of the EA Triangle, and a series of EW team exercises. Notional threat layouts will be fully assessed by teams, providing for a series of exercises that allow for maximum use of various forms of radar, communications, EW and supporting digital technologies, including commercial off the shelf (COTS) products. When does it make sense to jam the radar? The communications link? To apply cyber? Which EW asset should be used? Where does the EW asset get placed? What level of persistence is required? This course focuses on developing the critical thinking and problem solving required to answer such questions, preparing participants to meet the challenge of successfully applying EW in the modern battle space.

Speaker and Presenter Information

Dr. Pat Ford is an EW science advisor/threat lead in support of U.S. Navy tactical airborne electronic attack programs, as well as an Assistant Professor of Aeronautics with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, where he teaches graduate/undergraduate courses on unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). He received his PhD in Applied Management and Decision Sciences from Walden University with a Specialization in Naval Warfare Operations Analysis. His doctoral research focused on the use of commercial off the shelf radar payloads on UAS assets. He received his Master of Science degree in Space Studies from the University of North Dakota, where his research focused on the development of new methods of microgravity countermeasures in support of long duration space flight. A retired U.S. Naval Reserve cryptologic officer, he is one of the few individuals to graduate from both the Joint Military Intelligence College Post Graduate Intelligence Program and the Middle Enlisted Cryptologic Career Advancement Program. He is the author/editor of two books, "Introduction to Intelligence - A Synthesis of Public Domain Sources", and, "Key Radar Concepts for Electronic Warfare“.

Relevant Government Agencies

Air Force, Army, Intelligence Agencies, DOD & Military, Dept of Education, Dept of Energy, Dept of Homeland Security, Dept of Housing & Urban Development, Dept of the Interior, Dept of Justice, Dept of Labor, Dept of State, Dept of Treasury, Dept of Veterans Affairs, GSA, USPS, NASA, Legislative Agencies (GAO, GPO, LOC, etc.), Judicial Branch Agencies, State Government, CIA, Coast Guard, Census Bureau, USAID

This event has no exhibitor/sponsor opportunities

Tue-Fri, Apr 14-17, 2015, 8:30am - 4:30pm


AOC Member (After 1/27):  $2050.00
Non-Member (After 1/27):  $2250.00

Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems
7323 Aviation Blvd.
West Bldg.
Linthicum, MD 21090
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