Super Computing 2009

Recognized globally as the premier international conference on High Performance Computing (HPC), networking, storage and analysis, SC09 will feature the most interesting and innovative HPC scientific and technical applications from around the world. No other conference brings together this many scientists, engineers, researchers, educators, programmers, system administrators, application developers, and program managers. SC09 will feature an exceptional program of technical papers, tutorials, and timely research posters with an impressive lineup of invited speakers and panel participants. SC09's exhibition hall will be second to none - featuring exhibits from many international participants representing industry, academia and government research organizations.

Speaker and Presenter Information

Al Gore, Keynote Speaker, Building Solutions: Energy, Climate and Computing for a Changing World Justin Rattner, Intel Corporation, The Rise of the 3D Internet: Advancements in Collaborative and Immersive Sciences

Sat-Fri, Nov 14-20, 2009

Oregon Convention Center
Portland, OR

Click here to visit event website

Event Sponsors

HPCwire Conferences & Events

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