Leverage Your Voice to Sell Public Speaking for Business Owners and Leaders -Montgomery County

Success in business means being able to powerfully describe who you are and what you do so you can consistently turn prospects into paying clients. For most entrepreneurs and small business owners, your most powerful marketing tool is not your website, your social media platform or your business card. It is your voice and in-person presentation skills.


How you sound and present yourself can make the difference between landing the client or losing the sale. And if you speak to small or large groups, on or off stage, this workshop will explore how you can alter the sound of your voice to capture attention and make a more powerful connection with everyone around you.


Stephanie Bone-Lebair will teach you the 3 biggest mistakes that sabotage your message, the 5 key voices we all need to develop to connect naturally with our audience and land more sales, and the top techniques that keep your audience glued to your every word.

Relevant Government Agencies

State Government, County Government, City Government, State & Local Government

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Tue, Feb 27, 2018, 11:00am - 1:00pm


Registration:  $20.00

Maryland Women's Business Center
51 Monroe Street
Plaza East 20
Rockville, MD 20850
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Maryland Women's Business Center

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