Transform Remote Medical Learning with Mixed Reality: A Case Study

Schools and universities continue to face the challenge of adapting to the constraints of the "new normal." For most universities, providing value and delivering equitable experiences has become confined to the limitations of a remote learning environment.


Enter mixed reality.


With mixed reality, schools can provide students with new high-value ways to learn, experience, and explore curriculum and content while achieving better learning outcomes.


Join this webinar to learn how Case Western Reserve University has been able to innovate and adapt their medical education by leveraging the power of mixed reality with HoloLens devices.


In this conversation, hear a Case Western Reserve professor and Microsoft specialists discuss:

  • How Case Western Reserve University’s medical students aren’t missing a day of anatomy class during the pandemic.
  • How students are learning twice as fast and retaining information longer.
  • The future vision for mixed reality and recommendations for other academic institutions.

Relevant Government Agencies

Dept of Education, Dept of Health & Human Services, Other Federal Agencies, Federal Government, State & Local Government

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This event has no exhibitor/sponsor opportunities

Tue, Jan 26, 2021, 2:00pm - 3:00pm ET

Complimentary:    $ 0.00

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