
Buckle up, Buttercup! Join us in Las Vegas for can’t-miss keynotes, hands-on labs, in-person certifications, and innovations to modernize your SOC. Build connections with industry leaders and get unparalleled access to Splunk experts who will share the latest discoveries in AI, behavioral analytics, cyber frameworks and so much more.

Choose from 200 interactive learning sessions with fun networking events, Splunky shirts, and fez sightings together with thousands of security, observability, IT and DevOps professionals from around the world.


.conf is Splunk’s annual user conference. (Did we name it after .config files? Yes, yes, we did.) Since 2010, game-changers like you in IT, security and DevOps have convened for a few days each year to swap tips, listen to inspiring speakers and learn how Splunk can help make the world more resilient. Check back here for more event details in the coming months. We can’t wait to welcome you in 2024.


A ton of learning. A ton of fun!

Relevant Government Agencies

Other Federal Agencies, Federal Government, State & Local Government


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Tue-Fri, Jun 11-14, 2024, 9:00am - 12:00pm PT


Virtual Pass:  $0.00
Full Conference:  $2095.00 (Until 06/09/2024)
Full Conference (Onsite):  $2295.00

The Venetian Resort Las Vegas
3600 S Las Vegas Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89109
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Carahsoft, Edge Hub


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