GAO Report Response: Best Practices in IT Asset Management

In their May 2014 report, Better Management is needed to Achieve Significant Savings - Government Wide (GAO 14-413), GAO found the majority of government agencies have inadequate policies to address the management of software assets, a large part of which includes software licenses. To simplify the cost, complexity, and compliance around software management, agencies have been tasked with developing and implementing Software Asset Management (SAM) policies and procedures.

CA IT Asset Manager (CA ITAM) is a comprehensive asset lifecycle management solution that delivers proven ROI to control IT spending, enabling regulatory and policy compliance, and improves service delivery. CA ITAM helps you maximize the value of your IT assets and enable "stock on hand inventory" fulfillment. From physical and virtual hardware to software license terms and maintenance contracts, CA ITAM helps you determine precisely what you're paying in hardware and software fees, to help you optimize your cost structure and reallocate underutilized assets. CA ITAM also delivers the foundation for a robust software license management discipline. With accurate compliance views, you can plan your software licensing needs and take action to avoid fines and penalties that could be incurred during a software audit.

Join CA Technologies on Thursday, August 28, to find out how CA ITAM can help agencies:

  • Reduce licensing costs
  • Lower unnecessary spending
  • Improve visibility into asset utilization
  • Avoid risks and costs of non-compliance


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Thu, Aug 28, 2014, 2:00pm - 3:00pm ET

Complimentary:    $ 0.00

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