Records Management University: "Transparency vs. Privacy: The Great Records Management Collision"

This event qualifies for Certification Maintenance Credits (CMP) for Institute of Certified Records Managers (ICRM)

Open-To-All Free Standalone RM-U Class:

Records Management University is presenting a special, available-to-all standalone free Records Management online class next week, and you're invited!
Join over 1,000 others who can't stop talking about their enrollment at RM-U this year, and attend this special end-of-semester MOOC session on the very important and relevant topic of striking the balance between Transparency and Privacy, and how Records Management professionals need to prepare to be referees between the two sides while still ensuring security... just ask Hillary, Target, and Sony.
The discussion commences on Tuesday May 5, where we'll open the floor to critical issues such as resolving when an individual's right to privacy collides with society's right to know and what Records Managers are to do with the spread of ephemeral 'disappearing' messaging and email services like Snapchat and PlutoMail.
And - Certified Records Managers - this special RM-U session is pre-approved for CRM Certification Maintenance Credits (CMP) from the Institute of Certified Records Managers! You can earn up to 7 credits by attending this class, or viewing the session (and all six previous classes) on-demand. Register to gain access to the entire library!

Class Details
✔  Transparency vs. Privacy: The Great Records Management Collision
Lately, the world has been exposed to the stories of the severe and significant - and public - fails in Records Management in the news such as privacy scandals at Target Stores, Sony Pictures, Lois Lerner and the IRS, and of course Hilary Clinton's Emailgate, the latest in a long line. But Records Managers have known for a very long time what the dangers on the road ahead - and behind - are. But now we're living in an era where individuals, both those in charge and those with boots on the ground, want to decide what is a Record and what is personal and private. Just ask Secretary Clinton. And in ephemeral the age of Snapchat, and 'disappearing email' services like PlutoMail and Privnote, not only do you need to question what is a record, but when does it become one and how do you capture the fleeting? The public and the legal system want us to exist in a world of transparency while we're striking the balance of privacy. Is everything public? Is privacy a myth? Is transparency too intrusive? Join us for this Graduate-Level RM-U class and we'll discuss exactly where we are in Records Management when an individual's right to privacy collides with society's right to know.

Who Should Register?

Everyone because you've all been accepted to RM-U!
  • Records Managers
  • Records Management Department Personnel
  • Executives and Supervisors who Administer RM Departments
  • Anyone who works with their Organization's RM Department
  • Anyone who submits Records to their Organization's RM Department
  • Anyone who thinks Records Management in interesting and cool (because it is!)
  • Experts, Beginners, and Anyone in-between

Speaker and Presenter Information

Mitch Farbstein has been Vice President of Sales for Feith Systems for 20 years, helping establish Feith’s Enterprise BPM and Records Management footprint. After beginning his technology career in data processing in 1978 and focusing on ECM starting in 1986, Mitch joined Feith in 1993 where his strong technical background and knowledge of a diversity of platforms and business experience provided a strong foundation for architecting Enterprise and Records Management Solutions.


Mitch regularly presents at various national conferences, seminars, and webinars. He holds BS and MS degrees from Bucknell University, where he earned multiple votes for the 1971 Heisman Trophy, and was inducted into the Athletics Hall of Fame in 1991.

Relevant Government Agencies

Air Force, Army, Navy & Marine Corps, Intelligence Agencies, DOD & Military, Office of the President (includes OMB), Dept of Agriculture, Dept of Commerce, Dept of Education, Dept of Energy, Dept of Health & Human Services, Dept of Homeland Security, Dept of Housing & Urban Development, Dept of the Interior, Dept of Justice, Dept of Labor, Dept of State, Dept of Transportation, Dept of Treasury, Dept of Veterans Affairs, EPA, GSA, USPS, SSA, NASA, Other Federal Agencies, Legislative Agencies (GAO, GPO, LOC, etc.), Judicial Branch Agencies, State Government, County Government, City Government, Municipal Government, CIA, FEMA, Office of Personnel Management, Coast Guard, National Institutes of Health, FAA, Census Bureau, USAID, National Guard Association, EEOC

Event Type

This event has no exhibitor/sponsor opportunities

Tue, May 5, 2015, 2:00pm - 3:00pm ET

Complimentary:    $ 0.00

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Feith Systems

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