POCx Briefing: How and Why to Connect with the Federal C-Level

Why Try to Connect With C-Level Officials at a Civilian, Defense or Intelligence Agency?


Back in May 2006, the publication Government Leader presented and article entitled:

Vendor, Vidi, Vici: How to make pitches from industry work for you

where the reporter Jason Miller (now of Federal News Radio) solicited feedback from current and retired government executives on the topic of industry meetings. The article started like this:

“It’s inevitable. You have to take meetings with vendor representatives. You can try to ignore phone calls and e-mails, or stay under the radar by not speaking at events where you can be easily approached. But you can’t hold back the sea—ultimately, if you’re an government executive of any consequence, you’ll have to listen to a sales pitch.”

With this as a backdrop and assuming the mood has not changed in the past ten years, exactly why are you searching for contact information and possible introductions to CIO, CTO and other senior executives at federal agencies? What’s your plan if you do secure a meeting or corner them at the next breakfast event where they are presenting?


The real question is, what result are you seeking from this exchange and are they the right person to help make that happen?


At our next Principals, Owners and Chief Executives (POCx) Briefing on Friday, February 12, 2016 at the Tower Club in Tysons Corner, we’ll provide those answers and other insights related to engaging decision-makers and influencers at federal agencies by sitting industry business leaders down for a chat with our friends Henry Sienkiewicz and Peter Tseronis.



POCx Briefings are growth-focused information exchanges by and between business leaders of government contracting. Each briefing addresses specific


challenges to growth and business operations identified by POCx members. Presenters are current and former business leaders and executives with experience key to success for organizations doing business with civilian, defense and intelligence agencies and other government contractors.



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Speaker and Presenter Information

Henry Sienkiewicz, CEO, Open Travel Software (OTS)

From May 2008 until the end of June 2013, Henry J. Sienkiewicz was a member of the Senior Executive Service (SES) assigned to Henry Sienkiewiczthe Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), where he served in multiple capacities. He was the Agency’s Chief Information Officer (CIO) for two years and the Designated Approving Authority (DAA) for three years. He was responsible for the Agency’s cyber security posture and compliance, operations of the internal business systems, Clinger-Cohen Act compliance, and the movement of the Agency from northern Virginia to Fort Meade, Maryland. In his role as DISA’s Computing Service’s Technical Director, Mr. Sienkiewicz introduced the cloud computing model into the United States Defense Department.

He is a retired U.S. Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel who served initially as an Infantry Officer before transferring to the Signal Corps. Today, Henry provides strategic advice and guidance to emerging technology companies, focused specifically on cyber security, cloud computing, data centers, and mobility.

Peter Tseronis, Founder and CEO, Dots and Bridges LLC


Peter “Pete” Tseronis has served over twenty-four years in myriad progressive technology and leadership responsibility roles spanning four Administrations and three cabinet-level agencies. Understanding the technology landscape of the Federal Government’s stakeholders and mission enabled Pete to serve in key leadership roles, including Federal IPv6 Task Force chair, the Energy.Data.Gov co-chair, and the Cloud First Task Force chair – all of which afford broad exposure to the distinct operating environments and key Administration prioritites.

A self-proclaimed “Connective Tissue Officer,” Pete’s passion for connecting dots, building bridges, and fostering relationships contributes to assisting others with understanding and balancing existing and new priorities while conveying technology’s value to the mission.

Expected Number of Attendees


Relevant Government Agencies

Senior Executives at Civilian, Defense and Intelli

This event has no exhibitor/sponsor opportunities

Fri, Feb 12, 2016, 7:00am - 11:00am


CORE™ Small Business and GovCon Wingman™ Members:  $75.00
Individual and Associate Members:  $95.00
Not Yet Members:  $125.00
Commercial Service Providers (e.g.Legal, Bankers):  $145.00

Tower Club of Tysons Corner
8000 Towers Crescent Drive
Suite 1700
Vienna, VA 22182
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The American Small Business Coalition (The ASBC)

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