Identity Governance in Multi-Cloud Environments

These days, more than three out of four agencies use multiple cloud platforms. This gives them the freedom to match the requirements of each use case to the unique strengths of each cloud platform, whether it’s AWS, Azure or Google Cloud Platform. What these agencies lack, however, is a way to effectively and securely govern access across these multi-cloud environments. These challenges leave businesses open to the risks and costs of non-compliance, cyber attacks and simple human error. Some may use native tools with basic identity and access management for a single platform, but this is not governance.


This lack of governance also stifles productivity and growth—if users can’t get the access they need when they need it, work doesn’t get done. Managing who has access to what and with which privileges is a real challenge in the cloud due to rapid change and large scale. SailPoint Identity and Cloud Access Governance allows IT and security teams to back control of cloud access by providing 360-visibility across the enterprise and cloud infrastructure and adds a critical layer of security and governance. Cloud security is a journey not a destination. Join us in this informative session to begin plotting the course to your successful and secure cloud journey.


Discussion Topics:

  • Understand the three key questions of governance: Who currently has access? Who should have access? How is the access being used?
  • Discover access relationships, patterns and improve the application of access controls.
  • Manage and control access to your hybrid cloud infrastructure including AWS, Azure and Google Cloud.
  • Enforce access to cloud infrastructure with predefined policies and credential cycling.
  • Leverage out of the box compliance guardrails to monitor for adherence for NIST SP 800-53.

Relevant Government Agencies

Intelligence Agencies, DOD & Military, Other Federal Agencies, Federal Government

Event Type

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Tue, Jul 28, 2020, 1:00pm - 2:00pm ET

Complimentary:    $ 0.00

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