Total Economic Impact of DataRobot: Deep Dive with Forrester Consulting

With AI proving to be the most transformative technology of our time and companies needing to pivot faster in order to drive near-term impact from their tech investments, many organizations are looking to drive higher ROI from AI as quickly as possible. From predicting customer churn to reducing fraud and avoiding supply chain disruptions, the possibilities are virtually limitless as to how AI can increase revenue, reduce costs, and improve profitability. But how can companies predict the expected value of an AI application or use case so they can justify new investments in the face of tight budgets and headcounts?


According to Forrester Consulting’s Total Economic Impact™ Study commissioned by DataRobot, organizations using the DataRobot enterprise artificial intelligence (AI) platform can realize $4M in value and an ROI of 514% with payback in less than three months.


Join us for a live webinar as guest speakers Mike Gualtieri, VP, Principal Analyst, along with Nick Mayberry, Consultant, TEI from Forrester and Dan Wright, President & COO at DataRobot, review key findings, discuss the methodology used to unearth them, and explore how DataRobot is able to deliver such impactful results.


During this webinar, you will learn:

  • How DataRobot’s enterprise AI platform benefits organizations across multiple industries
  • The quantified benefits of using DataRobot, including cost savings of up to $10 million from reduced fraud; increased revenue of between $50-100 million from improved demand forecasting; and cost savings of $500,000 from reduced seasonal overhiring.
  • The significant cost savings that come from not having to hire a data science team 3x as large.

Speaker and Presenter Information

Mike Gualtieri

VP & Principal Analyst, Forrester


Nick Mayberry

Consultant, TEI, Forrester


Dan Wright

President & Chief Operating Officer, DataRobot

Relevant Government Agencies

DOD & Military, Dept of Commerce, Dept of Treasury, Legislative Agencies (GAO, GPO, LOC, etc.), Federal Government, State & Local Government

Event Type

This event has no exhibitor/sponsor opportunities

Wed, Dec 9, 2020, 11:00am - 11:45am ET

Complimentary:    $ 0.00

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