Open Government and Services Strategies: Are Government Agencies in Line With Citizen Expectations?

Join IDC Government Insights analysts Thom Rubel and Adelaide O'Brien for this complimentary, one-hour web conference as they present their analysis of citizen responses to a recently conducted survey regarding citizens' attitudes and preferences on accessing government information and services and how they interact with federal, state, and local governments in the United States. The analysts will discuss the frequency of interactions and how citizens want to interact with U.S. government agencies; their government information and/or services needs; their primary channel preferences; their attitudes toward information sharing among governments, and present their recommendations on how government agencies should be thinking about and investing in information technologies that will best fit citizen expectations. Channels in the survey include web portals, smart mobile devices, personal computer, e-mail and/or text messages, telephone, mail, and in-person service centers.

"Today, Governments are focused on increasing transparency and developing new tools and channels to provide citizens with access to government services and information. Prerequisites for transcending from Open Government to Smart Government are government's ability to embrace cultural change, and to collaborate with other governments and with citizens to deliver optimum citizen information and services. To succeed, government must understand citizens' preferred channels of interacting with government, and what information and services they want government to provide," says Adelaide O'Brien, Research Director of Smart Government Programs. "This study has brought many things to light regarding where governments should be headed if they want to achieve these objectives."

Speaker and Presenter Information

IDC Government Insights analysts Thom Rubel and Adelaide O'Brien

Event Type

This event has no exhibitor/sponsor opportunities

Wed, Sep 14, 2011, 12:00pm - 1:00pm


Complimentary:  $0.00

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IDC Government Insights

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