How to Solve Business Problems with Analytics Automation

Stanley Black & Decker is no stranger to innovation. Their breakthrough solutions have been powering builders, makers, and explorers for decades. How have they continued to grow and remain competitive? Join Bernard Marr, author of 18 best-selling books and Forbes columnist, to find out.


In this conversation, Bernard Marr will interview Stanley Black & Decker on how they’ve generated millions in top-line growth and cost savings, by covering outcomes from real-time pricing to SKU optimization to tax reporting (reducing the tax reporting process from 5 to 8 days down to 15 minutes). You will learn:

  • How the company automated reporting and forecasting, cutting them from months to just minutes
  • How to identify your own current place on the analytic journey
  • How to operationalize and scale your processes, by identifying key use cases and upskilling teams

***The first 200 attendees will receive a complimentary copy of Bernard Marr's book, Big Data in Practice.

Relevant Government Agencies

Other Federal Agencies, Federal Government, State & Local Government

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Tue, May 4, 2021, 9:00am PT

Complimentary:    $ 0.00

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