Webinar: Are Your Cybersecurity Systems Quantum-Resistant?

When error-corrected quantum computers arrive, they are expected to crack today’s -public-key-based cybersecurity. But working quantum computers may be years away, so why should you worry about this now? It turns out that hackers are already amassing large quantities of encrypted data for future decryption and exploitation. In this panel discussion with National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Bill Newhouse, former Principal Deputy Director for National Intelligence, Sue Gordon and the President of Public Sector at SandoxAQ, Jen Sovada, we'll cover the critical steps all organizations will need to take to migrate to quantum-safe cybersecurity.


The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released the first four Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) protocols to protect against quantum attacks. The implications for government agencies and corporations who deal with matters of National Security and U.S. information security, are significant. 


Given the complexity of federal IT networks—and the fact that the quantum vulnerability assessment process will take months to complete—the speed at which organizations should begin and complete their migration process to new quantum-resistant algorithms is becoming more critical everyday. 

Speaker and Presenter Information

The Honorable Sue Gordon

The Honorable Sue Gordon (Panelist)

30-Year National Security Leader and Former Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence, Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)


Dr. Dustin Moody

Dr. Dustin Moody (Panelist)

Mathematician, Computer Security Division,

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)


Bill Newhouse

Bill Newhouse (Panelist)

Cybersecurity Engineer,

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)


Jennifer Sovada

Jennifer Sovada (Panelist)

President, Public Sector, SandboxAQ

Relevant Government Agencies

City Government, Federal Government, State & Local Government

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Tue, Sep 20, 2022, 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Complimentary:    $ 0.00

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Executive Mosaic LLC

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