Solving Modern Healthcare Challenges with Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning - SageMaker, Athena, EMR and More

In the past, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning frameworks were incredibly complex to manage. Only companies that could afford significant investment had access to sophisticated ML capabilities. Today, cloud-based services like Amazon SageMaker have made it possible for more companies to uncover insights from large quantities of data and make better business decisions.


For healthcare, the opportunity is immense. Join Greg Bell, Sr. Security / Privacy Consultant at AWS, and Gerry Miller, Founder & CEO of Cloudticity, for a thought provoking discussion around how healthcare companies are leveraging SageMaker and other AWS services to find innovative solutions to modern healthcare challenges.

Speaker and Presenter Information

Greg Bell, Sr. Security / Privacy Consultant, AWS

Gerry Miller, Founder & CEO, Cloudticity

Relevant Government Agencies

Dept of Health & Human Services, Other Federal Agencies, Federal Government, State & Local Government

Event Type

This event has no exhibitor/sponsor opportunities

Thu, Dec 8, 2022, 2:00pm ET

Complimentary:    $ 0.00

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Event Sponsors

Cloudticity | AWS

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