Health IT Summit 2024: Strengthening the Citizen Care Experience: What Now? What Next?

Transforming the U.S. healthcare system into one that delivers quality care, world-class results, and improved customer experiences (CX) for millions of people is an ongoing journey for the nation and the federal agencies, which are a large component of that system.

The pandemic exposed deep cracks in the healthcare system that forced federal agencies and stakeholders in every part of the ecosystem to implement new technologies and protocols, which were long overdue. In a post-Covid world, the question being asked by all healthcare stakeholders is: What Now? What Next?


With the spotlight on improving the customer experience across government, the focus should be on citizen-centric healthcare and services. Cybersecurity must be first and foremost, as criminals and adversaries target the healthcare sector with even more sophisticated and widespread attacks.


A big part of the answer moving forward is data, “the new vaccine for our generation.” If data is indeed a vaccine, then agency leaders must advance the ability of agencies to use intelligence extracted from data to make better decisions. Transforming the existing healthcare system to a more citizen-centric, prevention-focused entity requires a sustained effort by government agencies, international allies, private- partners, and academia. Key to that success will be making the right data available and ubiquitous to the right people, at the right time for the best outcomes.

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Other Federal Agencies, Federal Government, State & Local Government

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Tue-Wed, Jan 30-31, 2024, 7:00am - 6:00pm ET


Government/Military:  $0.00
Industry Member:  $439.00
Sponsor:  $439.00
Industry Non-Member:  $459.00

Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Cente
5701 Marinelli Rd
Rockville, MD 20852
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