Cyber Threat Intelligence Summit Solutions Track 2024
In an increasingly complex and dynamic cyber threat landscape, decision-makers are turning to actionable, contextualized threat intelligence to bolster cyber resilience and fulfill mission or business objectives. With the advent of advanced AI technologies, including Large Language Models (LLMs), the scope and effectiveness of Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) are being revolutionized.
How can CTI empower heads of cybersecurity departments, security strategists, CISOs, SOC managers, threat detection engineers, analysts, hunters, and responders to make increasingly accurate strategic, operational, and tactical decisions? How can integrating AI and LLMs into CTI frameworks enhance an organization's ability to anticipate, withstand, and recover from evolving cyber-attack tactics? How can the fusion of AI technology and CTI lead to more effective risk management and a more cyber-resilient enterprise?
Join us for the Cyber Threat Intelligence Summit Solutions Track 2024 as we delve into these critical questions. Invited speakers will explore practical answers, showcasing both the current state of the art in threat intelligence solutions and the revolutionary capabilities offered by AI and LLMs. Presentations will focus on cutting-edge CTI case studies and thought leadership, using specific examples relevant to the industry, while also highlighting how the integration of AI technologies can provide unprecedented insights and advantages.
Forum Highlights:
Discover how industry leading tools can assist you with your existing cyber threat intelligence challenges in the workplace
Learn from industry leaders as they dive into cutting-edge CTI case studies and specific examples, while highlighting how the integration of AI technologies can provide unprecedented insights and advantages
Interact with the SANS chair Ismael Valenzuela, speakers and peers in the interactive Slack workspace by posting questions and discussing the forum topic
Speaker and Presenter Information
Ismael Valenzuela
Relevant Government Agencies
Other Federal Agencies, Federal Government, State & Local Government
Event Type
Tue, Jan 30, 2024, 9:20am
Complimentary: $ 0.00
Click here to visit event website
Event Sponsors
SANS Institute