Navigating the Intersection of Cybersecurity and AI
As government agencies increasingly embrace artificial intelligence to safeguard critical assets, public sector leaders are discovering innovative approaches to proactively identify and fight vulnerabilities in an automated manner. From the Artificial Intelligence Cyber Challenge to the Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of AI, it’s evident that efficient AI integration requires a robust security framework to mitigate and combat various risks. In today’s dynamic technology landscape, government agencies of all kinds must align with the broader national security agenda and adhere to established AI guidelines to enhance the effectiveness of cybersecurity and AI measures. Join GovExec and Oracle in conversation with federal, SLG and industry experts as we explore tailored approaches that govern secure AI usage and accountability, ensuring responsible and protected integration across all levels of government.
Attendees will walk away from this webcast with a better understanding of how government leaders are:
Following federal security policy guidance for successful AI implementation
Overcoming common cybersecurity challenges associated with AI deployment
Tapping into the invaluable benefits of AI without sacrificing security
Leveraging AI to improve cybersecurity across the public sector
Speaker and Presenter Information
Greg Rogers
State of Maryland
Relevant Government Agencies
DOD & Military, Federal Government
Event Type
This event has no exhibitor/sponsor opportunities
Tue, Feb 27, 2024, 2:00pm
Complimentary: $ 0.00
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GovExec 360
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