4th Annual Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing (APNT) Summit
The 4th Annual Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing (APNT) Summit will bring together members of the Military Services, DoD, Federal Government, Industry and Academia in a town-hall style forum with a thematic emphasis on Protect, Toughen and Augment (PTA). The immediate and long-term success of PNT technologies and application rely on the three elements of PTA: protect by detecting and terminating interference, toughen with enhanced antennas, software and hardware to resist attacks and anomalies, and augment by refining new signal detection, complementary PNT and GNSS signal monitoring.
Funding has steadily increased across the Armed Services to support maintenance and operation of GPS satellites, to develop hi-tech systems and programs, and to continue R&D of the highest caliber. The NDAA for FY24 has allocated at least $1.61B across development and prototypes, procurement and RDET for APNT navigation systems. The Army concluded its 5th PNT Assessment experiment to evaluate new tools and systems, while concurrently driving commercial partnerships upwards of $500M to roll out jam resistant technology and SATCOM.
At this Summit, attendees will have the opportunity to hear and engage with Senior level leaders from across the Services and Federal Government discussing the importance of GPS alternatives, as they are applicable across federal, military and civil operations. The newly minted PNT Integrated Mission Delta will further explore PNT in space and why the U.S. is at a critical point in this sector. This year’s panel will highlight the tensions the U.S. and Taiwan face across China and how establishing norms is crucial to a peaceful way forward.
Expected Number of Attendees
250Relevant Government Agencies
DOD & Military
View Exhibitor/Sponsorship Details
Wed-Thu, May 29-30, 2024, 8:00am - 5:00pm
National Housing Center
1201 15th St NW
Washington, DC 20005
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Defense Strategies Institute