AI for Government: Opportunities & Challenges

This event qualifies for .15 CEUs

This event qualifies for 1.5 CPEs

This event qualifies for 1.5 CLPs

The continuous evolution of technology presents us with a dynamic landscape filled with both promise and challenges. As the internet gained widespread adoption, it revolutionized various aspects of our lives, introducing innovations such as online shopping and real-time news updates, alongside issues like spam, phishing, and malware.


Traditionally, government entities have been cautious in adopting new technologies, often due to regulatory constraints and a desire to proceed carefully. However, artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly emerged as a transformative force, bucking the trend of slower adoption. Within a short span of time, initiatives like ChatGPT have entered the public sphere, prompting proactive measures such as Executive Order 14110, on the “Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence. This was swiftly followed by a Government Accountability Office report outlining necessary agency requirements for AI implementation.


“Every new technology is a double-edged sword, but AI may be the sharpest blade yet,” Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco said in a recent speech at Oxford.


Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the existing policies and guidelines established to fulfill the directives of the Executive Order, while also acknowledging areas that require further development
  • Identify government departments and agencies that have successfully implemented AI use cases
  • Build on the use cases to extract key insights from agencies’ experiences to date
  • Outline early-stage best practices for leveraging AI in government applications
  • Delineate the elements that constitute effective and responsible utilization of AI, including security, privacy, and protection against bias

Speaker and Presenter Information

Dr. Colin Crosby

SDO & Deputy DON Chief,



Lattrice Goldby

Lattrice Goldby

Branch Chief AI Services, OCIO

Dept. of Labor


Frank Indiviglio

Chief Technology Officer,



Brian Peltier

Deputy CIO for Strategy,

Social Security Administration


Kevin Walsh

Director, Information Technology

and Security,



Michael Anderson

Michael Anderson

Chief Strategist of Public Sector



Roger Shiltz
Solutions Engineer,
Public Sector, Alteryx


Don Wiggins

Principal Solutions Architect,



Mike Anderson, Chief Strategist of Public Sector, Informatica

Mike Anderson
Chief Strategist of Public Sector,
Informatica, LLC


Michael Kennedy, Moderator & Contributing Editor, FedInsider

Michael Kennedy
Contributing Editor,

Relevant Government Agencies

Air Force, Army, Navy & Marine Corps, Intelligence Agencies, DOD & Military, Office of the President (includes OMB), Dept of Agriculture, Dept of Commerce, Dept of Education, Dept of Energy, Dept of Health & Human Services, Dept of Homeland Security, Dept of Housing & Urban Development, Dept of the Interior, Dept of Justice, Dept of Labor, Dept of State, Dept of Transportation, Dept of Treasury, Dept of Veterans Affairs, EPA, GSA, USPS, SSA, NASA, Other Federal Agencies, Legislative Agencies (GAO, GPO, LOC, etc.), Judicial Branch Agencies, State Government, County Government, City Government, Municipal Government, CIA, FEMA, Office of Personnel Management, Coast Guard, National Institutes of Health, FAA, Census Bureau, USAID, National Guard Association, EEOC, Federal Government, State & Local Government, FDA, Foreign Governments/Agencies, NSA, FCC

Event Type

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Tue, Jul 16, 2024, 2:00pm - 3:30pm ET

Complimentary:    $ 0.00

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