OSS and Cyber Security for Government

With the increased emphasis on cybersecurity in government, open source software places a critical role in keeping government information secure. In this training, we will discuss open security projects and techniques that support and protect government cyber assets. 

Specifically, we will address these hot topics: 

  • Where is government using open source software as part of their cybersecurity posture?
  • How are government adopters learning about open source software programs/apps/practices/vendors?
  • What is happening now and what does the future of open source adoption look like within government markets?
  • How can interested government adopters and other contractors/vendors/community developers learn more and get involved in the government open source momentum?

Join us November 1st at 2PM ET for an informative, engaging training webinar.

Event Type

This event has no exhibitor/sponsor opportunities

Thu, Nov 1, 2012, 2:00pm


Complimentary:  $0.00

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