‘Luke’s Wings’ Reunites Wounded Warriors With Loved Ones

From time to time GovEvents will come across information we feel our members and audience would benefit from. Here's something we wanted to share:


Originally posted on Foxnews.com

Army SPC Brett Claycamp was seriously wounded in Afghanistan more than a year ago, and his intense recovery at Walter Reed Army Medical Center left him far away from friends and family.

That's where Luke's Wings came in, an organization that reunites wounded warriors, veterans and heroes with their loved ones when they need them most.

"I can't even explain how wonderful it was to have my family there so quickly," Claycamp said on "America's News Headquarters" this afternoon.

His wife, Catherine, added, "Luke's Wings isn't just an organization to us. It's a family. And they're like a family away from home. And we're so thankful for it."

She said if her husband wasn't flown home for their wedding with the help of Luke's Wings, he might not have made it.

Fletcher Gill, the CEO of Luke's Wings, said that the organization was started in January 2008, and in seven years, they've done 800 flights, with many more upcoming.

He explained that wounded warriors get their leave orders on Dec. 15, which gives them very little time to arrange holiday travel plans.

By that time, Gill said, most other veterans organizations have gone home for the holidays, but the Luke's Wings team will still be in the office, booking lots of flights for the men and women who serve our country.

"We definitely get to know our wounded warriors, our heroes and the families very well," Gill said.

View the video on Fox News >>

This holiday season, GovEvents has partnered with Luke's Wings to ensure that no soldier spends Christmas alone. GovEvents is challenging its members, colleagues and friends to provide 10 flights to Luke's Wings before Christmas day. We've stepped up and paid for the first flight so we only have nine to go! Please click the link to make your tax deductible donation in any amount you choose today >> http://bit.ly/1vdXRwA

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