Beyond the Beltway: Great Spots for Government Meetings

While DC is the hub for federal government, there are many areas across the U.S. that have large concentrations of government employees. This post is the first in a series that will go on to highlight other cities and venues in those cities to consider for events.

As we've detailed, government travel budgets are tight as are people's schedules. By breaking up large, national events into smaller regional events you may end up attracting more participants. To maintain the great networking that happens at national events, consider webcasting certain sessions or creating an online spot where attendees across the country can post their take aways from each event and share questions with one another.

Some locations we plan to highlight are San Diego, Colorado Springs, San Antonio, and Atlanta. We're open to any other suggestions of places you'd like to see highlighted. What success have you had with government events outside of metro DC?

Image courtesy Melissa and Doug