Inside President Biden’s Infrastructure Plan

President Biden's $2 trillion infrastructure plan is far-reaching, impacting the way we manage, use, and maintain our nation's critical infrastructure. It also has a considerable impact on the job opportunities available in private companies and government agencies at all levels.


  • Transportation spending is focused not only on improving existing roads and bridges but paving the way for clean energy and modern transit systems  to include electric vehicles, Amtrak repairs, and airport and waterway improvements.
  • Housing and community spending is focused on retrofitting older buildings to be more energy-efficient. Schools also get funding for upgrades and new construction.. Water systems and electrical grids are also being funded for safety and environmental upgrades. For communities at large, $100 billion is earmarked to improve broadband connectivity.
  • Improving care for the elderly and disabled is also a focus of the funding, with $400 billion dedicated to improving wages for caregivers and improving access to care and care facilities.

The plan includes heavy investment in research, development, and manufacturing to succeed in these new initiatives.

Where the money is coming from for the plan is the most significant area of contention. Rolling back tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations is part of the plan to find new revenue. The concept of a "federal capital revolving fund" is also being discussed. Under this model, the fund would establish seed money for agency infrastructure, allowing projects to be funded over time rather than all up front. Agencies would refill the fund over the course of several years through annual appropriations.

To stay up to speed with the logistics, tactics, and financing of infrastructure improvements, check out these events and resources.

  • Data in Action Summit 2021 (May 18, 2021; virtual) -- Over the past year, government agencies and educational institutions with strong data strategies, hygiene and utilization were the most resilient during the COVID-19 emergency. Now, it's time to take the lessons learned from those organizations that best weathered the storm and share them in preparation for the next crisis, as well as to set the conditions for successful evidence-based decision making throughout all operational environments.
  • ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit (May 24-27, 2021; virtual) -- This event brings together experts from different technical disciplines and professional communities to think about America's energy challenges in new and innovative ways. The summit offers a unique, three-day program to move transformational energy technologies out of the lab and into the market.
  • FedTalks 2021 (August 24-25, 2021; virtual) -- Join C-level leaders from the gov tech community to explore the federal government's ongoing transformation efforts and adoption of modern technologies to provide better services to American citizens.
  • McKinsey on Government (white paper) -- Urban life is on the rise worldwide as every year tens of millions of people move from the country to the city. Yet, this vast improvement in the quality of life that urbanization promises comes with its own set of managerial challenges. In this issue of McKinsey Perspectives, they focus on the nuts and bolts of delivering on the urban promise today and in the future.
  • Beyond Traffic 2045 (white paper) -- This is a comprehensive assessment of current and future conditions from the Department of Transportation. After years of chronic underinvestment and policy choices that, in some cases, have actually worked at cross purposes with the broader economic and social goals held by most Americans, this report is designed to breathe new life into funding and policy discussions at all levels.

Be sure to check out GovEvents for a complete listing of conferences, virtual events, and webinars, and GovWhitePapers for 1000+ white papers, case studies, and infographics!

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