New Study: Government Event Cancellations and Travel Restrictions Negatively Impacting Innovation and Collaboration

Originally posted on FedConnects

Both industry and government believe that event cancellations and federal travel restrictions are negatively impacting innovation and collaboration, which will adversely impact government contractors' ability to influence and service government customers.

This is one of the key findings of a Market Connections, Inc. and Boscobel Marketing Communications, Inc. PulsePoll™, which was released today.

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Gutting travel, conference budgets invites problems

Originally posted on Federal Times

Federal travel and conference spending is predictably tanking under the combined pressures of severe budget cuts and the repercussions of a string of high-profile conference scandals that started in April 2012.

The scandals -- embarrassingly lavish conference events held by the General Services Administration, the Veterans Affairs Department and the IRS that were brought to light by inspectors general investigations -- provoked a quick and harsh response from Congess and the White House. Travel and conference activity across government slowed to a trickle within weeks.

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Government Conferences Pay for Themselves, Industry Says

Originally posted by Charles S. Clark on Government Executive

Agency spending on travel to conferences is "vital to making government more efficient and effective," says a study released this month by the U.S. Travel Association. It argues that current Obama administration guidelines and legislation to curb conference spending is counterproductive.

Government travel for meetings and events had a total economic impact of $24.4 billion in 2011, supported 343,800 U.S. jobs and $14.5 billion in U.S. wages, and contributed $5.5 billion in tax revenue, according to the data compiled by Rockport Analytics LLC.

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Congressman Paul Tonko, Member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives to Speak at RETECH

ROCKVILLE, MD-RETECH announces third term member of the United States House of Representatives, Congressman Paul Tonko to speak at the Opening General Session at 9:00 a.m. EST on Tuesday, September 10th.  The RETECH Conference and Exhibition, which will be held September 9-11, 2013 at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, D.C., has been the leading conference focusing on today's most pressing issues and opportunities facing every discipline of the renewable energy industry.

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FOSE 2013 Announces Significant Increase in Attendance, Executive-level Participation

Event Drives 115% Growth in Conference Attendance, 5% Increase from Executive, Command and Senior Management

Vienna, Va - FOSE 2013 today announced the final attendance for this year's event, with more than 8,000 government and industry employees attending over three days.  This included a 115% growth in the event's conference program participation - from 941 to over 2,000 - and a 5% increase from Executive, Command and Senior Management.  FOSE 2013 was held May 14-16 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C.

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