Regulating Blockchain’s Promise

Blockchain is proving to be an enabler of secure and transparent government transactions. As with any technology, as it gains traction it also gains scrutiny. Several laws and regulations have been introduced to ensure that risks associated with blockchain are understood and mitigated.

Recently, the Government Accountability Office issued a recommendation that the Securities and Exchange Commission and other federal financial regulators create a formalized coalition to coordinate the identification and addressing of blockchain-related risks. These risks could include security gaps resulting from old software, phishing schemes, speed of networks, and foreign access to sensitive data. Continue reading

Agencies Justify Conference Tabs Above $100,000

Originally posted by Charles S. Clark on Government Executive


Agencies have submitted summaries of conference spending in fiscal 2012 to the Office of Management and Budget that include justifications for training events that exceeded $100,000. The reports are required by a May 2012 memo from Acting Budget Director Jeffrey Zients.

Expanding on a 2011 OMB directive and executive order from President Obama promoting efficient spending, the latest Zients memo requires reductions in travel and conferences in the wake of the spring 2012 scandal involving extravagant spending at a General Services Administration training conference. It prohibits conferences costing more than $500,000 and requires agencies to report on events costing more than $100,000. Reports from all agencies were due Jan. 31.

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