GovEvents Presents the Government AI Event Top 10

AI conference

Improvements in citizen experience, employee experience, government business efficiency, and cybersecurity have been key goals of the Biden administration. At the same time, as agencies have worked to meet mandates and goals for these focus areas, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a mainstream technology to automate manual tasks and provide new insights to decision-makers. Applying AI as a way to meet administration goals has been a key discussion point in meeting rooms, the media, and government-industry events.

Earlier this year, GovEvents highlighted a number of events uniquely positioned to provide the right access to insights from technologists, implementers, and executives on the integration of AI into government systems and processes. The opportunities for AI-related education remain strong, with nearly 680 AI events listed on this year. Continue reading

Strengthening Internet of Things Security at the Federal, Local, and Consumer Level

"Our world is more connected than ever." This phrase can be interpreted in many ways, one being the growth of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Traditional materials and devices, including bridges, streetlights, water processing machines, home refrigerators, and even our doorbells, are now connected to the internet and to users who need to track how they are functioning. However, this cyber connection also means that these devices are open for others to access and use in ways we never envisioned.

Cybersecurity practices must now extend to non-cyber products to ensure that operational technology does not compromise information technology or the networks that connect them. In fact, 1.5 billion attacks were launched against IoT devices in a single year.

Efforts to secure IoT devices must happen across all levels of users, from the federal government through state and local agencies to even citizen consumers. Continue reading

How CX Is Driving Government Modernization

Improving the "customer" experience (CX) for citizens interacting with the government has been a focus for several administrations. The reason is that better experience equals improved trust in government. It's critical that our systems live up to the promise of government for the people.

Defining the Pieces of CX

A critical part of getting experience right is understanding the different pieces that make up a customer experience. Words like "experience" and "service" are often used interchangeably when talking about CX efforts, but it is important to understand some key differentiators. Continue reading

Supporting AI Growth in Government with Professional Education

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being incorporated into the function of government in numerous ways. The website includes more than 700 AI use cases across federal agencies.

Among the many projects, AI is being used to:

These pilot projects provide a peek into the power of AI to improve the speed and effectiveness of decision-making and service to citizens. However, for AI to have a government-wide impact, the success and challenges of these solid projects need to be shared. Continue reading

New Tech Means New Acquisition Strategies for DoD

With more and more battles being fought in cyberspace, the pace of warfare has accelerated. However, the systems that support our warfighter were not designed to support the speed or types of products and services needed for modern defense. This year's AFCEA West Conference is focused on ensuring acquisition and readiness are on pace to meet global security demands. Ensuring our warfighters get the tools they need when they need them is a critical effort requiring evolution and reform of defense acquisition.

Improved Private Sector Coordination

A congressional hearing in late 2023 discussed the need for the Department of Defense (DoD) to tap into the innovation taking place in the private sector to stay competitive with global adversaries. A draft of the national defense industrial strategy stated that the defense industrial base "does not possess the capacity, capability, responsiveness, or resilience required to satisfy the full range of military production needs at speed and scale." Continue reading