Developing an AI Training Plan for the Government Workforce

In talking about AI, there is a lot of discussion about "training the models"--feeding large amounts of data into an algorithm and then examining the results to ensure they are accurate. Once the models are deployed, the training does not stop for the models, and even more importantly, for its users.

A study from Deloitte estimates that generative AI could help boost productivity tenfold. However, this jump in efficiency will only be realized if AI and its outputs are being used correctly. Working with AI and AI-generated content requires a different set of skills that include critical thinking, algorithmic understanding, data analysis, deeper domain knowledge, cyber/data hygiene, and more. Continue reading

Improving Service. Improving Trust.

Improving customer service (or in the case of the government, citizen service) has been a focus of the Federal government for the past several administrations, most recently being named a key goal of the Biden-Harris President's Management Agenda (PMA). Despite this focus, citizen satisfaction with government service has remained low, but a 2022 report shows that the tide may be turning.

The American Customer Satisfaction Index's (ACSI) Federal Government Report 2022 showed that citizen satisfaction with Federal government services increased by 4.6 percent in 2022. Report authors attribute the increase to improved availability of digital services (spurred by the PMA and the Customer Service Executive Order) and major government initiatives including the distribution of free COVID-19 tests. Continue reading

Balancing AI’s Power with Privacy

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has incredible potential to speed decision-making and unearth connections between data to inform government services and programs. AI is being implemented across government and private industry with very little policy or regulation as to its development or use. In many ways, this lack of oversight is driving exciting innovation, but as this innovation leads to new uses, the risks of infringing on citizen rights and privacy increase.

Peter Parker (Spiderman) was warned, "with great power comes great responsibility." Similarly, AI developers need a voice providing gentle guidance as they figure out how best to use AI's power for good. In the fall of 2022, the White House released the AI Bill of Rights, designed to address concerns about how, without some oversight, AI could lead to discrimination against minority groups and further systemic inequality. Continue reading