Celebrating 20 Years of Cybersecurity and Preparing for 20 More

For the past 20 years, October has come to signify more than pumpkins, ghosts, and candy. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) and the National Cybersecurity Alliance have led the annual effort to raise awareness among the general public about everyone's role in keeping our increasingly digital world more secure.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month provides a platform for a wide variety of government and private organizations to deliver education about good cyber hygiene and highlight the role everyday actions have on the security of the systems we depend on. Continue reading

Facing the Future of Biometrics

With many of us using our faces to "open" our phones, biometric technology has become an everyday consumer technology. Capitalizing on the comfort and ease of use of facial recognition, government agencies are looking to incorporate it (and other biometric methods) into their modern cybersecurity plans and approaches but are realizing implementation in a government setting raises a host of complications.

Interest in facial recognition is strong

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report in August of 2021 that detailed current and planned use of facial recognition technology by federal agencies. In a survey of 24 departments and agencies it found that 18 reported using the technology and 10 reported plans to expand their use of it. Continue reading

Supporting Veterans In Their Second Act

Each year approximately 200,000 servicemembers transition to the civilian world. For many, this means finding a new career path and unfortunately, this search can prove to be incredibly difficult. The unemployment rate among veterans tends to be higher than the general population. Two major challenges drive this statistic: First is the complexity of translating military work experience into civilian terms. Second is the difficulty for many active-duty military to complete traditional education, certification, and licensing programs in a timely manner. Continue reading

Civic Hackers Across the Country Will Band Together in June for National Day of Civic Hacking

Originally posted by Janet Wagner on ProgrammableWeb

Hackers across the country are getting ready to participate in the first annual National Day of Civic Hacking which will take place in over 80 cities on June 1st and 2nd, 2013. The two day event will bring together citizens, developers, government agencies and entrepreneurs to create applications using publicly available APIs and datasets, to help solve a civic or social problem impacting the local community.

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