How Schools Are Welcoming AI in the Classroom

With each passing school year, teachers of kindergarten through college classes have dealt with the increasing ubiquity of AI in their students' lives. The mass availability of AI tools initially caused educators great concern. Would students use AI to cheat or find shortcuts on tests and homework? Would AI eliminate the need to learn certain skills, the way widespread GPS use reduced the need for map reading. However, many educators have risen to the challenge of AI's presence and influence by embracing it as a learning tool.

Deepening the Learning Experience

AI tools have made curriculum materials more available and accessible to educators, allowing them to expand beyond simple question-and-answer worksheets. Now, they can use AI to create more personalized lessons, allowing each student to complete assignments that correspond with both their deficiencies and their strengths. If a student is struggling to understand a concept, the teacher can direct them to online chatbots and tutors that will help explain the concept in different ways. Teachers can also use question generators to create custom assessments, helping them more accurately measure students' knowledge by coordinating the assessments with their individual learning styles. Continue reading

AI’s Role in Higher Ed

Higher education is at an interesting inflection point. While there has been much talk about the increasing cost for students, educational institutions are not necessarily reaping the benefits of these higher prices. Colleges and universities are seeing enrollment numbers decrease due to affordability concerns and a general decline in population. Additionally, the rise of the gig economy and online degree options, as well as the willingness of employers to hire and train people without college degrees for in-demand jobs in cybersecurity and artificial intelligence (AI), are all impacting the perceived necessity of advanced education.

Show Me the Data

While AI careers may no longer require a four-year degree, AI technology is proving to be invaluable in supporting the growth and success of higher education institutions. With all of the outside pressures, colleges and universities need to take a serious look at all the data they hold to determine the cost and ROI of the programs they offer, from degree options to sports teams to housing options. Information about student demographics, student performance, program revenues, and operational costs are all held in siloed systems. AI can help collate all of these disparate data sets, making connections that would take teams of humans months or years to discover. Continue reading

Charting the Future of Defense

The National Defense Strategy (NDS) sets the strategic direction for our military to meet the security threats of tomorrow. Overall, the Defense Strategy focuses on China and Russia as the primary adversaries, but it also emphasizes the importance of global cooperation among allies as well as adversaries to meet threats that are bigger than any one country including climate change, food insecurity, and pandemics. The defense strategy lays out three primary tactics for advancing U.S. and global security.

Integrated Deterrence

The practice of integrated deterrence involves working closely across all branches of the military, warfighting domains, and even across other federal entities to ensure national security. It expands responsibility for deterring adversaries beyond the Department of Defense (DoD), involving the intelligence community, health agencies, environmental agencies, and more. Continue reading

Ensuring Equity in Disaster Response

Equity is highlighted in priority two of the President's Management Agenda (PMA), Delivering Excellent, Equitable, and Secure Federal Services and Customer Experience, and is a theme throughout all PMA priorities. Disaster response is possibly the most critical place to ensure equity. While a disaster does level the playing field in some ways-no matter how much money you have it won't stop a tornado from hitting your house-the recovery from disasters is not as fairly distributed.

A 2021 report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that disaster response is "uneven" across the country. The research found that small towns, rural and tribal areas, and underserved and disadvantaged communities have a hard time accessing federal disaster recovery assistance programs. Those that did access funds had difficulty achieving a full recovery with structures still damaged years later. A key to solving this gap? Data. Continue reading

Navigating the Hybrid Government Career Fair Environment for Post Military Careers

As with other networking and professional development events, job fairs are also transitioning back to their in-person form, but not without changes. The beauty of a job fair is the convenience and efficiency for recruiters and job seekers alike - a place to meet possible matches all in one location. When pandemic restrictions moved events online, the convenience grew as people did not need to leave their house, but efficiency gains were not always realized. Just as the workforce is now hybrid, so too is the job seeking environment.

Virtual Job Fairs Mirror Virtual Work

Virtual job fairs are here to stay because of the convenience, time savings, and their ability to facilitate geographically inconvenient meetings. With more companies hiring a hybrid workforce, location is not as important-you could be in Washington, DC interviewing for a job in Austin, TX or vice versa. Many people have found they prefer remote work to in-office positions and those people will also look for virtual opportunities for networking. Continue reading